
Sulaymān ʾal-Kindī, Shāfiʿī Sunnī. South African.

Student of  ʾash-Shaykh Ṭāhā Karān (Allāh’s mercy be upon him), graduate of Dārul ʿUlūm Zakariyyā.

BA Honours in Religion, with distinction, University of Johannesburg.

Translator, writer, researcher, teacher.

I write on topics I feel might have relevance to Muslims, especially those of us living in minority situations. I ask Allāh to keep my intention pure and that I not bend the truth to seek fans, irrespective which extreme end of the spectrum the truth may offend.

و صلى الله على راكب البراق كامل الأخلاق


  1. Dearest hazrat when I looked through your articles I saw great fikr for the ummah of the prophet sallahualahiwasalam. I had first read your translation of the book by imam al waqidi rh but then came across a comment from a mufti from south africa that it is incorrectly attributed to imam waqidi. I don’t know what the case is but may ALLAH bless your efforts. We would like to invite you the UK sometime inshallah. There is a need to bring up the issues you discuss in our community as well.


    • May Allah make your good thoughts about me a reality.

      In regards Futhusham, I will only say that it was prescribed by such Ulama of the status of Ml Maseehullah, Abul Hasan Ali Nadwi, Yusuf Kandhalwi etc (rahimahumullah). Where were the objections then?

      I have resolved not to participate in “Chicken & egg debates while Baghdad burns” I prefer comitting an error than to be resurrected in the company of scholars who engage in public fault finding.

      This attitude has been motivated by the disgust I felt at Muslims, usually sitting in ivory towers, who spend all their resources vilifying other Muslims by name.

      Visiting fellow Muslim brethren would be a delight, especially to place I have not been to yet such as the UK

  2. asa

    jzk for your recent naqshbandi shaykhs bio translation on another website. pls can i get an email contact for you.

  3. asalaamu alaikum

    Respected Molvi saheb, have you translated any more books in the “Futuh series apart from the 2 books that most of us know about?

    im from Durban, South Africa and ive enjoyed Futuhush- Shaam very much .
    i was told u were going to be translating quite a few more similar books.

    i hope you are not affected by the negative comments & insults that come your way from the misguided & confused muslims.

    you works are very much appreciated and enjoyed and it would be a shame if you cancelled your plans to translate further books due to what shallow minded people say.
    all the ulama around me also enjoyed your books & are making duaah that you u complete more translations.
    was salaam.

    pls reply via email if u read my message.

    • wa alaykum salaam

      I did intend, but have never been able obtain the Arabic manuscripts. Also translation work has never paid enough to meet life commitments, whatever I can do has to be done in time squeezed after hours. I am appreciative of your dua and well wishes. Jazakallah for your message.

      was salaam
      Sulayman al-Kindi

  4. Slm, I’m a beginner student who has benefitted a lot from Shaykhs articles. Will it be possible to get in contact with Shaykh.

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