Podcast: Aqeedah & Abrahamic Accords

Jumu’ah Talk 6 Muharram 1444: Primacy of Aqeedah over deeds, Nullifiers of Imaan, Interfaith and Abrahamic Accords Apologies for the poor audio quality. Recording crashed and amateur me did a recovery.

Understanding that correct Aqeedah has primacy over deeds.

Lack of such understanding opens the doors to situations where Imaan is at risk.

Interfaith movement is major manifestation of such situations.

Now morphed into Abrahamic Accords.

Way is being paved for Dajjal.

*I think my tongue slipped. Angel of Death is Malak al-Mawt NOT Malik al-Mawt.

Twitter: @sulayman_Kindi


  1. Salam Sheikh
    I understand you wrote a discourse regarding slavery. I had a question as this is bothering me greatly. I know in Islam men can have sex with their slave women. However, is there an age limit to have intercourse with them? This troubles me because I understand in Islam adulthood is puberty so does that mean if a 9-12 year old hits puberty, they can become lawful for intercourse if they are a slave? A much older man having intercourse with a slave that young has many power dynamics or possible abuses of power and is unethical. Is this allowed?

    • و عليكم السلام
      My research was on a broad overview dealing with matters such as history, linguistics, the false claims of the cyber generation that Islam had abolished slavery, and the like.

      I do not know who to direct you to, since I do not know of anyone specialising in the jurisprudence of this matter which is not applicable on a practical level in our times.

      This may be the best in Allah’s wisdom, for while He did not abolish slavery, contemporary Muslims are often guilty of treating adult free employees with zero dignity. The question of how they’d treat slave girls is far off.

      Do share your knowledge with me, should someone better qualified than I in this matter answer your question.

      و السلام

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