Snakes Amongst Scholars

في حديث علي -كرم الله وجهه- مرفوعا: «يوشك أن يأتي على الناس زمان لا يبقى من الإسلام إلا اسمه، ولا يبقى من القرآن إلا رسمه، مساجدهم عامرة وهي خراب من الهدى، علماؤهم شر من تحت أديم السماء، من عندهم تخرج الفتنة، وفيهم تعود» رواه البيهقي في شعب الإيمان

Allāh’s Messenger ﷺ said, “…their scholars will be the vilest under the canopy of the sky. From them tribulation will emerge and to them will it return.”


A government official once advised me on tactics used to entrap scholars and identifying features of scholars who serve forces other than Allāh.

Whether Dajjāl emerges tomorrow or in a thousand years, what is certain is that the minor Dajjāls about whom Allāh’s Messenger ﷺ warned us are definitely present amongst us, some of whom are also scholars who are/ will be the vilest under the canopy of the sky – be they evil in their own right, or by being on the payroll of the forces of disbelief.

In my writings over the years I always tried to address issues and not name personalities. However, matters are becoming so serious, it is necessary that the public realise that not every difference of opinion is a sincere one. To guard our faith we need to be aware of these hypocrites amongst us.  I therefore share some of what the official taught me, augmented with my personal observations and experiences over the years.

  • It’s nothing new.

Our teachers reliably mention the colonial tactic of sending agents to study at Islāmic seminaries, graduating and “serving” Muslim communities. Although this phenomenon was particularly noted for British India, there is no reason not to believe that this occurred throughout the colonised Muslim world.

  • The entrapment of scholars is by means of a mixture of bribery and blackmail.

I shall not bore you with the detailed example given to me, other than to point out that the entrapped scholar does not go knocking on the door of the enemy for a job. He innocently accepts an initial gift. That is very much understandable when our communities pay scholars a pittance yet expect them to be on 24-hour slave duty. Many scholars are in such circumstances that they are entitled to receive Zakāh. However, once that first “gift” is accepted the scholar is a goner. He cannot downgrade his expenses after getting used to the new income/bribe. If he were to have the courage to do that, he will not have the courage to withstand blackmail and being revealed to the community as an intelligence asset.

  • The forces need not invest only in the prominent

They may invest in youngsters or others without much clout at that stage, but dividends are seen later. They know what they are doing.

  •  They mentor the scholar in spending habits.

ʾas-Snake ʾal-Fāḍil should not spend his newfound wealth in a way that is visible to the community. That would be very suspicious. In the beginning he might comply with this advice, but, that cannot last forever. What is the point of having a fortune in a bank account and not being able to spend it on houses, cars, vacations, etc? A hallmark of ʾas-Snake ʾal-Fāḍil amongst us is the massive disparity between the few cents which communities pay, vs. an unexplainable lavish lifestyle.

  • ʾas-Snake ʾal-Fāḍil does not face obstructions to travel.

He travels the world as he pleases, without the obstacles which ordinary scholars and Muslims face. He travels all over the world and most likely goes for Ḥajj every year. This had a practical reason years ago. Ḥajj was used as meeting point for the snakes to meet with and coordinate with other snakes and their masters. The Muslims would consider the snakes to be engaged in worship, but the opposite was true, without arousing suspicions. I do not know how relevant this might be with today’s means of communication.

  • Physical travel is insufficient in the cyber age.

Snakes are promoted across various physical and cyber platforms and a massive following is created overnight on social media. This creates a false aura of authority, making more Muslims follow them, continuing the spiral. May Shahid K. Bolsen repent and serve the real Master.

  • Snakes are habitual liars.

That is pretty obvious if you think about it. How do they serve light and darkness simultaneously? As a fan, you may admire their flowery speeches and videos, but it is only through long personal interaction that you will pick up how often they lie, and even worse from my perspective, how casual and easily that lie squirts from their maws.

  • Snakes are not stupid to contradict the truth in every matter.

 Most of what they utter will be in line with orthodoxy. They need to maintain some kind of credential amongst the community and only manoeuvre in select issues.

  • Snakes contradict the methology of Islām.

They do not extract guidance from the foundational sources of Islām and then present that to the public. Instead, they first decide on the conclusion that their masters wish us to hear, then corrupt our books to make them say what suits their agenda. Admittedly this filthy practice can be found amongst many Muslims, even those who are not agents of disbelief. E.g. some misquote verses on combat in Allāh’s Way as somehow meaning something peaceful for a lovely-dovey, nice and fluffy Islām. The distinction however is that groups who do so, do it incidentally and robotically quoting their seniors. For the snake however this is a deliberate and continuous modus operandi.  

  • There are various forms of the above modus operandi.

Sometimes a Ḥadīth may be quoted, but the translation is completely distorted. Sometimes the context is changed to suit the agenda. Thus while the  Ḥadīth prohibited ʿAlī (may Allāh be pleased with him) from having a funeral for his idolater father, a snake quoted the very same Ḥadīth as proof permitting the attending of the funeral of a disbeliever. The very opposite of which Allāh’s Messenger ﷺ  said. It so boils my blood when scholars of my generation can sit through such a talk, with dead faces and not register the insult to Allāh’s Messenger ﷺ. Why did they study? Did they not gain understanding over the years?

  • A third option

They truncate a passage to achieve the desired false meaning. E.g. quoting a half sentence related to etiquette on slave girls, to falsely establish a binding ruling pleasing to feminists in regards wives. Or mentioning that ʾAbū Bakr (may Allāh be pleased with him) accepted the protection of an idolater as somehow being proof that one may participate in the Shirk of democracy and democratic governments. This, despite the conclusion of a Ḥadīth being more relevant. Thus it is conveniently not mentioned that ʾAbū Bakr (may Allāh be pleased with him) then abjured the idolater’s protection.

  • Aspect of Osmosis

Another concern is the aspect of osmosis and the aspect of its impact on others, in terms of the aspects of the pet phrases they adopt from snakes, how they speak and the thought patterns they absorb and transmit to others.

Having mentioned the aspect of the deafness of older scholars in regards the aspect of the mutilation of the words of Allāh’s Messenger ﷺ, I should also mention the aspect of young graduates, the generation which has the aspect of speaking as if they know everything of every aspect and are Allāh’s ultimate blessing in every aspect unto the ʾUmmah. Those who feel the aspect of a desperate need to introduce themselves with the aspect of titles (Shaykh, Mawlānā etc) as a natural part of their names, even before the aspect of graduation. They imagine that they are imbued with the aspect of complete understanding without the aspects of wisdom and experience of elders.

As they spend equal time with the aspect of their cell phones as they do with their books, many do not adopt an aspect of an independent sincere style, but their speeches (just as their Qirāʾah) are replete with the aspect of pet phrases adopted from the snakes. I have even experienced the aspect of them quoting word for word in a most ridiculous fashion, without the aspect of thinking what they are saying, e.g., “When I went to country X, I had this experience”, when clearly it is referencing a third-party, not the speaker. The concerning aspect is the dark ideas of the snakes slithering through the aspect of the next non-cognitive generation, and from them to the Muslims at large.

  • Interfaith

As the forces of disbelief advance in their plots, the most prominent snakes become ever bolder in advancing the interfaith agenda. This term should not be confused with simply interacting with scholars or priests of other faiths, in order to create understanding of Islām and maintain the neighbourliness with others, which Islām commands us with. I have engaged in this, although after my recent Ghazzah tweets/X posts, I imagine that I shall no longer be welcome.

No, interfaith today refers to the activities of hypocrites who seek to erode the central tenets of Islām, such as the necessity of believing in Allāh and His Messenger ﷺ    in order to enter Paradise. As puppets of the forces of disbelief, these hypocrites are poster boys for the latest manifestation of interfaith – the Abraham Accords, which glaringly seeks to establish Israel’s dominance and demands that Muslims betray Masrā ʾan-Nabī ﷺ  (I prefer this term, meaning the Land of the Night-Journey of the Prophet  ﷺ to “Palestine).

Here I shall name the most prominent proponent amongst these ex-Muslims, ʾas-Snake Muḥammad ʾal-Īsā, the head of World “Muslim” League, which condemned the Palestinians during their struggle in October 2023. This vile creature is so manifest in his hatred of Islām, that when I called him a hypocrite, a brother rightly rectified me that I am being “too charitable.” For further details read my post: Israel’s Triumph at ʿArafah 1443: Islām’s Blackest Day.

You may also wish to research which of your favourite snakes had Ifṭār in Dubai with Rabbi Levi Duchman, a most fanatic Zionist agent agent in the UAE, whereas the same snake is dead silent in matters pertaining to Masrā ʾan-Nabīﷺ  .

The UAE also sponsors an alphabet soup of heretical interfaith organisations which serve the enemies of Islām. One of which is the Muslim Council of Elders. Another is the World Muslim Communities Council which went so far as to publicly praise China in January 2023 for its genocide of our Uyghur bothers and sisters. I tweeted their disgusting statement to the most prominent South African member of that Council, but was ignored and later blocked. It is your duty to investigate the websites and social media of these demonic organisations, and determine whether your local Muslim scholars are members. If so, are they so incredibly ignorant that we should perhaps question the second half of “Muslim scholar” or have they trod so far down the dark path that the first half of “Muslim scholar” is to be questioned?

  • Obfuscation

Snakes maintain popularity through useless soundbites on matters that everyone is aware of, in order to obscure what the ʾUmmah needs to hear and does not know much about. So unlike Mr Zionist Iftār, there are snakes who will trumpet about Masrā ʾan-Nabī ﷺ  and scream about the evils of America and Israel. They will also wear badges and scarfs displaying the flag that the British colonial agent, Mark Sykes devised. So who does not already know that America and Israel are hostile towards Islām? How does it change the reality of the ʾUmmah to repeat that the sky is blue?

On the other hand, you will never hear the slightest squeak from them in regards a Satanic regime occupying the Ḥaramayn for a century. This, despite the greater sanctity of the Ḥaramayn, and its desecration being central to the plots of the forces of disbelief. Oh the utter hypocrisy! Israel is condemned for every brick it moves, but there is dead silence that every possible legacy of Allāh’s Messenger ﷺ  has been erased from Makkah and ʾal-Madīnah, just short of the Kaʿbah and his resting place. Allāh’s Messenger ﷺ  begged us during his final illness to keep the Arabian Peninsula pure from the forces of disbelief. This command was maintained by every ruler of Arabia, be he a Shāfiʿī, Ḥambalī or Ḥanafī, or even Muʿtazlī or Shīʿī. For the first time ever Arabia has a Satanist regime which invited Yankee disbelievers to tramp their filthy boots over the Peninsula of Allāh’s Messenger ﷺ , thus spitting on his face in regards his final command to us.

I do not have the words to express my utter contempt, not with the snakes who hide these facts, but with other scholars who betray Allāh’s Messenger ﷺ  by being silent mice in these matters. These cowardly mice may murmur, “Dear beloved crown prince,  please do not have music and nudity so publicly. And please note that we love you. Please do not deny us visas.”

So who does not know the reprehensibility of music and nudity and that the apostate prince promotes them? Would the mice have squeaked about these sins if they were not publicised on the media, or nobody knew about them? Neither the snakes nor the mice will mention the countless lion scholars who languish in the jails of the Satanists and are being tortured. They will never point out that Israel does not completely surround Ghazzah, and that the Satanists and Pharaohs lay siege to our brothers on their southern border. They will not mention the Saudi connivance in overthrowing and murdering the only Allāh-fearing president of Egypt, a slave of Allāh who intended to end the siege of Ghazzah. This is but one example of how the Satanists continuously undermine Islām, far worse than Israel. Shame! Shame! Shame! What will you answer to Allāh? That you preferred your personal Ḥajj and ʿUmrah and financing of your institute over speaking the truth? Pray that Allāh forgives such Ḥajj and ʿUmrah, performed for personal gratification.

May Allāh keep us safe from all plots and open our hearts to see the woods from the trees.

سليمان الكندي

X/ Twitter: @sulayman_kindi

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