I normally tweet short Tafsīr points daily during Ramaḍān, but I think I need to avoid unnecessary social media this month. So instead, here is a composite of my notes of past years’ Ramaḍān Tafsīr. Pardon not having energy and time to neaten up.

NIGHT 1 (Juz 1 First Quarter of 2)

  1. Qurʾān begins with conjunction (ب). Everything it contains is to join you with Allāh .
  2. Ar-Raḥmān’s mercy extends to all. Ar-Raḥīm’s mercy is limited to the believers. Value the honour and work to be resurrected as a believer.
  3. ʾal-Fātiḥāh ends with seeking protection from ways of Christians and Jews. What then of current erosion of faith, interfaith, Abrahamic Accords etc.
  4. ʿālamīn from ʿilm. Purpose of ʿilm/knowledge is to recognise Allāh . Not every knowledge is beneficial (angels of Babylon ʾal-Baqarah:102). False questioning is harmful (Israelites on the Cow, Baqarah :ʾāyah 69)
  5. Allah twice calls the enemies of Ṣaḥābah “idiots”. What relation do you have with them? How many names do you know? Is our lifestyle closer to Ṣaḥābah or the idiots? Politicians in love with Rawāfiḍ have chosen the idiots over Ṣaḥābah (ʾal-Baqarah: 13, 142)
  6. Piety is whatever Allāh defines it to be. Qiblah is wherever He decrees – ʾĀdam/ the Rock at Jerusalem/ Kaʿbah.
  7. Obsession with finding innate good and evil (e.g. wine) is a Mutalizilī idea, not Sunnī. We also forget that Aqīdah > Acts (ʾal-Baqarah: 177)

NIGHT 2 (Last ¾ of Juz 2 First 2/4 of Juz 3)

  1. The moon, Islāmic calendar. Revive this Sunnah in one’s personal capacity by using the Islāmic date where possible Many speak of reward of reviving dead Sunnah but never bother to learn examples (2:189)
  2. Enter Islām in its entirety. Allāh did not condone desire of ʿAbdullāh bin Salām radiyallahu anhu to maintain some of his old Jewish habits. We do not pick and choose what part of religion sorts us. Submit completely. (2:208)
  3. Allāh has decreed three divorces maximum. Attitude of people who still live together out of shame of “what will people say” is if they elevate the view of people above the command of Allāh . This defect in belief is worse than the adultery they commit. (2:229)
  4. Allāh chose the first king of Israel and mentioned his qualities of knowledge and good physique. The Sunnah is balance between religion and world, or rather guarding your body and world in order to serve religion. (2:247)

NIGHT 3 (Second 2/4 of Juz 3 First 3/4 of Juz 4)

  1. The family of ʿImrān – Maryam, 3 Nabis. We too should strive to be a family of Dīn.
  2. Maryam, daughter of ʿImrān, born in response to dua of her mother. Importance of Dīn of women. (3:44)
  3. Dedicated to service in al-Masjid al-ʾAqṣā, where her uncle, Zakāriyyā was inspired by her receiving out of season fruit by divine means, to supplicate for a son, despite his age and wife’s barren state. Lives of the pious inspire others. Here a pious lady inspired a nabī.
  4. Yaḥyā granted to him, plus with piety, Prophethood, Allāh naming him, and naming him uniquely. It is recommended to name children different from common names.
  5. ʾĪsā son of Maryam who never touched a man. No Prophet after him until Muḥammad صلى الله عليه و سلم, will return at Damascus.
  6. Plot of the Jews. Early example of psychological warfare in trying to discredit Muḥammad صلى الله عليه و سلم. (3:72)
  7. Qurʾān’s prophecy true to the letter. Allāh has struck the Jews with disgrace (expelled from every land) except when people extend a rope unto them (America). (3:112)

NIGHT 4 (Last Quarter of Juz 4 and Full Juz 5)

  1. Chapter on woman, Islām gave women dignity, specifically the right to formally inherit. Current extremes of ignoring women’s religious duties & feminism are both problematic.
  2. Polygamy mentioned in context of protecting women. It is not an obligation, but questioning the command of Allāh and opposing the Sunnah of Muḥammad صلى الله عليه و سلم reveals defective faith, most serious. (4:3)
  3. Inheritance stipulated by Allāh . (4:7…)
  4. Funeral expenses and debts to be settled first. Bequest is maximum a third of remainder.
  5. Ṣalātul Khawf – if Allāh desires congregational prayer behind a single leader even on the battlefield, what then of us in peace time? (4:102)
  6. If congregation is desired even during the battle, consider how pathetic our excuses for missing Ṣalāh are.
  7. Allah does not forgive Shirk. (4:48) A major shirk in our times is ash-Shirk fit Tashreeʿ (Challenging Allah’s legislation).

NIGHT 5 (Juz 6)

  1. Allāh does not like gossip. Speak good or keep silent. Matters of public concern (government corruption), the oppressed, are different matters. (4:148)
  2. Prohibition of interest. Already linked to Jewish system in those times. Opposite of interest is wholesome trade. But it would be necessary to know Islāmic regulations of trade, e.g. Tamlīk – taking possession. (4:161)
  3. Help each other in good deeds. The point is the deed. Do not focus on the defects of the other party (5:2)
  4. Māʾidah – table spread, the request for a feast miracle from ʿĪsā ʿalayhis salām. There is benefit in us being tested in unseen. Once the unseen is displayed and we don’t obey we have no more excuse (5:112)

NIGHT 6 (Juz 7)

  1. Christians wept at hearing the Qurʾān, why are our hearts so dead? (5:83)
  2. Prohibiting that which is good. Just as evil as permitting evil. Usurpation of Allāh ’s right of legislation. (5:87)
  3. When pagans were confronted about their baseless customs such as not allowing certain camels to be used, they responded that their ancestors did the same. Such an attitude of preferring custom over Islām is found amongst some Muslims. (5:104)
  4. “We only live in this world” pagan materialism prevalent in society today.(6:29) Overt indoctrination such as evolution, subtly an orator will speak on the socio-economic virtues of some part of Islam (eg Hajj, Zakaah) and there’s no mention of Allah’s pleasure.
  5. Allāh consoled Muḥammad صلى الله عليه و سلم when at the words of the unbelievers and said they in fact dispute Allāh ’s signs. Shows firstly that he had human emotion but still persevered in his mission. sometimes an attack is not personal, but at the broader mission. (6:33)

NIGHT 7 (Juz 8)

  1. The distinction of Ḥalāl and Ḥarām directly linked to the August Name of Allāh , to be recited at slaughter. What we eat has major impact on our spiritual development. In fact this is the first command to man – tree in Paradise (6:119)
  2. 6: Verse 124, only place in the Qurʾān where “Allāh” is mentioned immediately after “Allāh”. Place of accepted supplication according to some.
  3. Pagans would pile up sacrifices for idols and Allāh. Take care that idol pile is complete but not bother if pile meant for Allāh spilt into the idol pile. Do we have same attitude in short cuts in religion? (6:136)
  4. The variety of fruits, in fact all of creation are signs of Allāh’s handiwork. There has to be an Intelligent Designer, the Creator! (6:141)
  5. Muḥammad صلى الله عليه و سلم is utterly free of those who split into sects. Consider how contemporary Muslims split on the most trivial of issues, and in fact define themselves on single issues, let alone become codified sects. (6:159)
  6. Reward for virtues multiplied ten-fold, but for “he who brings” i.e. preserves his virtue and does not destroy it or lose his faith. Punishment for evil is merely equal or forgiven. (6:160)
  7. Plains of ʾAʿrāf most likely for people of equal virtue and sin, not entitled to immediate entry into Paradise or Hell.
  8. The weighing of our deeds on the Day of Judgement (7:8). Use every opportunity now for a heavy measure. Do not let Ramaḍān and your life go to waste. ʾAʿrāf for those of equal measure, even that is not a pleasant experience, though less severe than Hell. (7:46)
  9. When Satan was questioned as to his rebellion he replied with arrogance, “I am better than him.” (7:12)
  10. ʾĀdam ʿalayhis salām was stripped of his garments. Was not naked in Paradise. Our attire is important for many reasons – protects identity, modesty etc. Not only for women, but males should also adhere. (7:26)

NIGHT 8 (Juz 9)

  1. The magicians of Pharaoh summoned to confront Mūsā (عليه السلام).
  2. Accepted truth when presented.
  3. So immediate that they fell into prostration as if flung down.
  4. Despite threat of amputation and crucifixion. (7:124)
  5. They had been materialist, had the guts to demand a reward from a tyrant like Pharaoh, now their focus was on the Hereafter. (7:113)
  6. Ungrateful Israel blamed Mūsā عليه السلامfor their afflictions, are we willing to bear a little loss for the command of Allāh ? Leaders should do for His sake, not for popularity. (7:129)
  7. Mūsā عليه السلام chose 70 elite for his meeting with Allāh . Islām commands consultation, but this does not equate to mob rule. (7:155)
  8. Israel saw many miracles yet remained rebellious to their nabi. We love Muḥammad صلى الله عليه و سلم without seeing manifest miracles
  9. Rasūlullāh ṣallallāhu ʿalayhi wa sallam recited (7:158) in honour of Abū Bakr in hurt at how he was treated. Those who are early in good supersede the latter (ʿUmar). Radīyallāhu ʿanhumā
  10. The people of the Sabbath who tried to deceive Allāh. (7:163)
  11. The Pledge of the souls extracted from ʾĀdam’s عليه السلام back (7:172)

NIGHT 9 (Juz 10)

  1. When you encounter a hostile force remember Allah much. i.e. remember Allah in all circumstances, also balance between material and spiritual effort. (8:45)
  2. Muslims must prepare, including militarily, but our reliance is on Allāh . When we do engage, do in full measure, but preference is given to peace if it arises. (8:60-1).
  3. There is no unanimity on counting method of letters, words, verses and chapters of Qurʾān. Ibn Zubayr asked ʿUthmān why is there no bismilllāh for at-Tawbah in his manuscript. He said he’s not sure if it’s supposed be separate or part of Anfāl. (9:1). One method of people going astray with the Qurʾān is by trying mathematical codes on book of guidance.
  4. Allāh announced Arabia as preserve of Monotheism. Saudis allowed unbelievers to tramp her sacred soil. (9:1)
  5. Belief of Ṣaḥābah superior to Quraysh custodianship of Kaʿbah. Belief superior to deeds. Saudi transgressions not justified by apparent services. (9:19)
  6. Prohibition of non-Muslims entering al-Masjid al-Ḥarām and making Ḥajj in year 9 (9:28). Then in his final illness Rasūlullāh ṣallallāhu ʿalayhi wa sallam commanded, “Expel the Jews and Christians from the Arabia Peninsula.” Saudis are the first to violate this command. The heart of a Muslim is more sacred than Arabia. Do not allow anti-Islamic ideas to root in your heart.
  7. They desire to extinguish Allah’s light, but He sent a Messenger to complete it. Sunnah essential to victory. (9:32-3)
  8. Excuses of hypocrites to avoid sacrifice. (9:38)
  9. “Allāh has pardoned you…” (9:43) stated before the decision which Allāh wanted differently from Rasūlullāh ṣallallāhu ʿalayhi wa sallam. Firstly shows Allāh ’s affection for him. 2nd he had to be informed of Allāh ’s different decision. A false prophet would not have told us this.
  10. “ let not their wealth or their children impress you. Allah only intends to punish them through that in worldly life..” (9:55). Worldly bounties which divert from Allāh are curses and causes of destruction.
  11. Mocking religion is the way of hypocrite. (9:65)

NIGHT 10 (Juz 11)

  1. Good and bad Bedouins, like all races. (9:96-99)
  2. The first Muslims, our obligations and debt to them. (9:100)
  3. Some Masjids can built for wrong reasons, waging war against Allāh, not for Allāh. Allāh did not recognise the “masjid” of the hypocrites. (9:107) While every effort must be for the common good, we cannot accommodate mischief makers who pretend to Islām but deny the basic requirements.
  4. Allāh bought the lives of the believers in exchange for Paradise…. The kind way Allāh speaks to us. He owns our life to start with but says He buys it from us in exchange for Paradise. (9:111)
  5. Pious company essential to personal piety. (9:119)
  6. There has certainly come to you a Messenger from among yourselves. Grievous to him is what you suffer; (he is) concerned over you and to the believers is kind and merciful. (9:128) Deviants claim that Rasūlullāh ﷺ was merely a postman and his Ḥadīth have no weight. Any Muslim who studies his sacred biography will gain some understanding of his status and how filthy the rejectors of Ḥadīth really are. Realise he is our loving spiritual father.
  7. Muḥammad صلى الله عليه و سلم extremely hurt at what hurts us and zealous for our welfare. How do we treat his rights? (9:128)
  8. Unbelievers call unto Allāh in moment of desperation then forget Him. (10:22-23). Let’s not imitate them. Always remember Allāh. We need Him. He does not need us.
  9. “All honour belongs to Allāh” (10:65). Whatever respect we have is solely what Allāh grants us. The statement of ʿUmar raḍiyāllahu ʿanhu, “We were the most disgraced nation then Allāh has honoured through Islām. When we shall seek honour in anything other than what Allāh has honoured us with, Allāh will disgrace us.”
  10. Pop star recitation of the Qur’ān focusses on tune and ignores rules of recitation. If we ignore the pause, then “Do not let their statement grieve you. All honour belongs to Allah,” becomes, “Do not let their statement, that all honour belongs to Allah, grieve you.” (10:65)
  11. By sparing Nineveh, city of Yūnus (Jonah), Allāh granted Islam great saints, scholars and warriors from that region. (10:98)

NIGHT 11 (Juz 12)

  1. Nūḥ ʿālayhis salām called to Allāh . Arguments of unbelievers on irrelevant details were diversions from central truth of Tawḥīd, “You are just a human and only the low class follow you.” (11:27). Do not allow forces of falsehood to divert from central truth. Nūh responded to the accusations without budging from his message.
  2. Son of Nūḥ had faith in mountain to protect him against Allāh . (11:43) In how many ways do we have more faith in the material than Allāh ? “He is not of your family” (11:46). Loyalty to Islām supersedes family, nation and everything else.
  3. Hospitality of Ibrāhīm ʿalayhis salām to strangers. This Sunnah has diminished amongst us. Even the generous suffice with giving impersonal charity. Banū Kinānah would only eat with guests and starved if there were no guests until Allāh told them there is no harm in eating alone.
  4. Shuʿayb ʿalayhis salām called his people to fair business dealings. (11:84). “The truthful and trustworthy trader will be with prophets, truthful saints and martyrs.” Shu’ayb ʿalayhis salām preached to Madyan, city of unscrupulous traders. (11:84)
  5. Two of their statements bear thought – are we the same? Do we say to the scholars, “Who are you to tell us what to do with our money,”
    “If not for your followers then you would have seen what we would have done to you.” Numbers mean more than Allah? (11:87,91)
  6. Muḥammad صلى الله عليه و سلم said that Surah Hud and its associates gave him white hair. It may be the burden of, “Be steadfast as you have been commanded.” (11:112). The most beloved deed unto Allah is that which one is constant upon even if it be small.
  7. Stories of the pious strengthen the heart. Read! Make them your heroes, not atheist celebrities. (11:120)

NIGHT 12 (Juz 13)

  1. Surah Yusuf revealed when unbelievers tested Muḥammad صلى الله عليه و سلم, he only tells tales of ancient Arabia which we know he will not know how Israel came to Egypt. “The most excellent story” in the Quran with many subtle points. (12:3)
  2. “Above every person of knowledge is one (more) knowledgeable” (12:76). Humility in knowledge and all other religious bounties. Just as worldly bounties can be a test, so can apparent achievement in religious matters.
  3. Once Yūsuf عليه السلامhad his brothers under his authority, he neither denied the facts nor harped on the wrongs, but subtly referred to the problem Satan caused amongst them. (12:100)
  4. “Creator of the heavens and earth! You are my protector in this world and the hereafter. Grant me death as a Muslim and join me with the pious.” (12:101) Concern for death on Islām. Pious company is to be sought in both worlds. He is prophet but asks for death as Muslim just as Ibrahim عليه السلام asked for safety from idolatry. (12:101)
  5. An examination of nature, plants and fruits reveals signs of the Creator. (13:3) All this cannot be a coincidence. Why this variety if though evolution? Meditation over the creation to see the majesty of the Creator is an act of worship.
  6. The basic qualities of the friends of Allāh – fulfilment of oaths, keep family ties, patience, open and secret charity, repel evil with good. (13: 20-22)
  7. The speech of Satan before entering Hell, and for he’ll speak the truth. He only suggested; people followed. Blame yourselves. (14:22)

NIGHT 13 (Juz 14)

  1. Devils try and overhear speech in heavens which is why fortune tellers sometimes get something right. Trend of going into prophecies, Nostradamus, most harmful to one’s faith and leads to involvement in dark forces. (15:18)
  2. Even the Devil at the moment of being cursed knew that he can still turn to Allāh and ask of Him. (15:36)
  3. Allāh mostly accepted Satan’s dua even at the moment He cursed him. (15: 37) Do not let sins lead to despair. Turn to Allāh. Who else can we turn to?
  4. Satan blamed Allāh for his going astray instead of his own arrogance. (15: 39) A believer admits his mistake, repents and rectifies instead of looking for fault elsewhere.
  5. Cure for depression at wrongs of people, Tasbīḥ, Taḥmīd and Sajdah (15:98) there is solace in speaking to Allāh. Adversity should strengthen your relationship with Allāh.
  6. Cure for sorrow – remembrance of Allah and prostration. (15:98) Cure for depression at wrongs of people, Tasbīḥ, Taḥmīd and Sajdah (15:98) there is solace in speaking to Allāh. Adversity should strengthen your relationship with Allāh.
  7. Plants, animals, celestial system day and night artwork of the Creator. (16:3)
  8. Even before the prohibition of wine, the subtle indication of the Qurʾān that it’s excluded from “good sustenance” was enough for many Muslims to start abstention. (16:67)
  9. When Muḥammad صلى الله عليه و سلم was accused of copying the Qurʾān from Christian monk, Allah’s response was factual, not emotional – the monk was non-Arab incapable of the fluent Arabic of the Qurʾān. Keep calm. Emotional responses to attacks can be damaging. (16: 103-4)

NIGHT 14 (Juz 15)

  1. The Isrā (journey to Jerusalem) and Miʿrāj (ascension to Heavens) At this glorious moment Muḥammad صلى الله عليه و سلم is referred to as “slave” not by lofty titles. The greatest title of Rasūlullāh ﷺ is “slave”. (17:1, 18:1).The greatest honour of man is to be in the slavery of Allāh . The greatest disgrace is to be a slave of lust and Satan.
  2. Allāh has blessed the surrounds on ʾal-Masjid ʾal-Aqṣa (17:1), i.e. Palestine and the entirety of historical Syria. Major events of Qiyāmah to occur there. Special saints live there.
  3. To be a slave to anyone is humiliation, but the highest dignity for the believer to be the obedient slave of Allāh . (17:1)
  4. Moderation in generosity (17:29). Be neither miserly nor put yourself and your dependants into difficulty. To not be extremely miserly nor so generous that you end up in need. Another example of the path of moderation which is the hallmark of the Sunnah. (17:29)
  5. Do not approach adultery/fornication. Reminiscent of Adam not to approach the tree. Basic principle of the forbidden. Stay away from what leads to it, not only the actual deed. (17:32)
  6. The Sleepers (youth) of the Cave. Youth also take the lead in religious matters. (18:9) Important to recite these ten verses for protection from Anti-Christ, just as the youth were protected. We sometimes go into intricate theories on these matters and omit the teachings we supposed to (recite ten verses).
  7. Allāh loves the poor who are close to him and prefers Rasūlullāh ﷺ to keep their company. Allāh does not look at worldly and material status. (18:28)
  8. Two forms of divine punishment – instant, full out, wipes out nations and slow, grinding punishment witnessed over period (18:55)

NIGHT 15 (Juz 16)

  1. Allāh blesses the pious with pious children. (18:81) Do not expect obedient children if you are disobedient to Allāh and have double standards in morality for you and children.
  2. Ẓul Qurnayn, ancient king who conquered the world. His story ties in with the Anti-Christ facet of Sūrah al-Kahf, in that the Gog and Magog whom he imprisoned will be released after the appearance of slaying of Anti-Christ. (18:83)
  3. Allāh granted a barren woman a child, another woman without male intervention and fruits out of season. (Sūrah 19). Do not impose the blinkers of your science on the power of Allāh . Allāh created the laws of science, He is not confined by His creation.
  4. Yaḥyā named by Allāh and a unique name. (19:7). Respect Islāmic names, what is “Moe”? Naming after Ṣaḥābah is one way to combat evil anti-Ṣaḥābah heresies.
  5. Outstanding feature of Maryam was her concern for her chastity, she warns off the angel who is in a man’s form, not recognising what he is. (19:18)
  6. Ibrāhīm invited his idolater father to Allāh with respect. (19:42). Always be polite in discourse with unbelievers, especially those who have additional rights over you, e.g. parents, neighbours.
  7. Everyone to cross over the bridge over Hell. Some deeds take forms of vehicles or affect speed of crossing. Prepare. (19:71)
  8. Allāh manifests His love for some of the pious through people loving them. Some are severely tested. (19:96)
  9. How Mūsā (peace be upon him) recognised that He was indeed speaking to Allāh? Time and place are creations of Allāh. Allāh is above comparison to creations. (20:14)
  10. Mūsā (Moses, peace be upon him) dragged out his response solely to extend the conversation with his most beloved Allāh. (20:18)

NIGHT 16 (Juz 17)

  1. Ask those who know if you do not (21:7) We do not entrust our bodies to one who does not know medicine, why do we entrust our souls to personal opinion and ignorance.
  2. The perfect system of the heavens and the earth is proof of monotheism. Many gods would have caused conflict and break down. (21:22) Allāh’s arguments are factual and logical. (21:24)
  3. “Every soul shall taste death” (21:35) We are commanded to remember death. Helps focus on hereafter and prevents sin.
  4. Man is created hasty (21:37). Allāh loves considered action. Haste leads to regret. Conversely when an undoubted good deed should be done, we seek excuses. Certain deeds are commanded to be hastened, e.g. funerals.. Effects of technology – elimination of the attribute Allāh loves, that email or text must be answered NOW! Push the button NOW! (21:37)
  5. The entry of outlying tribes into Islām was deemed unimportant, but was a warning of the eventual conquest of Makkah. Let us regard our minor victories today as consolation for Allāh ’s coming help. (21:44)
  6. Syria mentioned as blessed throughout the Qurʾān. (21:71)
  7. Duʿā of Yūnus, extremely powerful. Encompasses three elements each with own benefit, declaration of Tawḥīd, Allāh ’s purity, repentance. Possibly encompasses ʾal-Ism ʾal-ʾAʿzham. )21:87)
  8. Makkah is for worship without distraction, Allāh answered Ibrāhīm’S dua to sustain Makkah, by having an angel take land from Syria and place it where Ṭāʾif is today. Even the fruit and climate of Ṭāʾif were not tolerated as distractions in Makkah, how then what the Saʿūd do? Makkah is the only place where evil intentions are accountable. Tread carefully. (22:25)

NIGHT 17 (Juz 18)

  1. Allāh has the power to stop rain (23:18). We do not consider His bounties and the sins which can remove them. Any bounty can be revoked – sight, hearing, FAITH.
  2. “Remain despised therein and do not speak to Me.” (23:108) Surely not being allowed to speak to Allāh is worse than Hell itself. What hope is then left? Work on preserving your faith in these times of tests.
  3. Sūrah an-Nūr, the foundation of Islāmic etiquette and civilisation. Sexual purity, modesty, greeting, rights of privacy.
  4. Islamic penal code is a reality of the Qurʾān (24:2)
  5. Denying the Qurʾān is apostacy. At the same time penalties are not the aim. Strict requirements for enforcement (24:4)
  6. The story of Marthad bin Abī Marthad al-Ghanawī (may Allāh be pleased with him) – filthy women are for filthy men. Parents who allow their children to roam freely should not expect them to acquire pure spouses. (24:3)
  7. Aim of penalties is deterrent and warning not to contaminate society in real aim, of spiritual journey to Allāh .
  8. Entire Sūrah Nūr amazing edifice of Islamic etiquette, modesty and civilization. So many valuable points. Note men are commanded to modesty (verse 30) before women (31). Modesty is not just for females.
  9. Ten verses 24:11… revealed in innocence of ʿĀʾishah yet Shiahs believe her guilty. Denying a single verse negates Islām, what of ten? Ten verses declare our Mother, ʿĀishah (may Allāh be pleased with her) to be pure, yet the Shīʿah Rawāfiḍ agree with the accusations of the hypocrites that she is an adulteress.
  10. On this the 17th night of Ramaḍān, Muḥammad صلى الله عليه و سلم sat in the mud of Badr praying for a victory through which we are Muslims today. How sad that we know nothing of his biography but everything of sports players and movie stars.
  11. Celebrity orators have never uttered a word against the desecration of the Haramayn. Why is Muslim social media suddenly shocked at their betrayal of Aqsa? Check your favourite orator’s record. Easy to condemn when it gets likes, not when you have to speak the truth in adversity.

NIGHT 18 (Juz 19)

  1. The importance of correct company. ʿUqbah bin Abī Muet entered Islām, but reneged because of his friend Ubayy bin Khalaf. (25:27)
  2. Let us not imitate those who make their personal desires their gods. (25:43)
  3. Pharaoh countered Mūsā (Moses, peace be upon him) with his past favours upon. Mūsā acknowledged them but did not allow that to detract from the tyrant’s disbelief and oppression. Till today governments and corporations distract us with fig-leaf good to hide many evils. (26:20)
  4. Allāh ’s slaves walk on the earth lightly, with humility. Even their body language is worship. They do not engage in ignorant disputes. (26:63)
  5. Mūsā ʿalayhis salām acknowledged his imperfections and recommended someone who could help him (26:13). Teams require honesty and acknowledging those with superior ability for a task.
  6. Ibrāhīm ʿalayhis salām asked for a good reputation (26:84). Maintaining reputation is not only a personal matter but affects how Muslims are perceived. Do not be an obstacle to others entering Islām, e.g. bad business dealings.
  7. Sulaymān ʿalayhis salām was a king and nabīyet he listened to a bird’s excuse before reaching a conclusion. (27:27)
  8. Sulaymān ʿalayhis salām did not only say that which we quote, “This is from the bounty of my Lord,” but added, “To test me whether I am grateful or ungrateful.” (27:40) The very same thing or condition can be a punishment or blessing based on how we react to it.

NIGHT 19 (Juz 20)

  1. “bring” a good deed, not “perform” a good deed. (27:89) Deeds can be destroyed. Do not let your effort be wasted.
  2. Allāh intended to compensate the oppressed Israel. Allāh answers the imploring of the oppressed even if he be an unbeliever. Do not oppress even unbelievers whether politically, financially, labour etc. (28:5)
  3. One facet of Pharaoh’s doom being sealed was him consulting with Hāmān. Consult with the wise, pious, experienced, sincere well-wisher. (28:6)
  4. The modesty of the future wife of Mūsā (Moses, peace be upon him), as if she “walked upon modesty” (28:25)
  5. “The best you (Shuʿayb) should hire is strong and trustworthy” (28:26) Piety is not the only criteria in worldly affairs. Appropriate person for appropriate situation.
  6. Mūsā (Moses, peace be upon him) was appointed prophet but requested his brother as well. He recognised his own shortcomings and was willing to share in the honour of the greatest of enterprises. Some today will not share business with own family. (28:34)
  7. Qārūn, kinsman of Mūsā ʿalayhis salām rebelled against him (28: 76) Internal traitors can harm more than external enemies. Did not acknowledge Allāh as source of his bounties, claimed everything from himself.
  8. People of Sodom introduced lewdness never before practiced (28:28). Not only sodomy but a lifestyle of lewdness – public sex, hand clapping, shaving, highway robbery.
  9. Sign of Allāh ’s punishment of Sodom (28:35) Rasūlullāh ṣallallāhu ʿalayhi wa sallam hastened passed such places and would not use the water. Muslims go to Dead Sea as tourists and use its ingredinets in cosmetics.
  10. “You do not guide whom you love, but Allāh guides whom He wishes to…” Guidance is no accident. Be grateful. (28:56)
  11. Qārūn said he acquired his wealth from his own acumen not from Allāh . Many have this attitude. (28:78)

NIGHT 20 (Juz 21)

  1. Prayer should be influencing our conduct and character. (29:45)
  2. Debate with dignity when engaging the Christians and Jews, do not be harsh and emotional. (29:46)
  3. Patient ones promised high stages in Paradise. (29:59). Forms of patience – affliction, exertion in worship. Linked to consistency.
  4. Allāh provides for every creature and human (29: 60) down to the smallest microbe, the entire human economy strangely functions. Signs of the Creator for those with understanding.
  5. Qurʾān miraculously predicts Roman recovery (30:3) Honourable behaviour of Abū Jahl’s family when prediction materialised. The promise that Rome and Persia would be conquered seemed fantastic at the time. It was a joke to the hypocrites and a test which the believers affirmed. (30:3)
  6. Language is a sign of Allāh. Evolutionists cannot adequately explain why language came into existence. (30:22)
  7. Idolater who arranged for entertainments to distract people from listening to the Qurʾān. A simple sports game can distract Muslims from the massacre of Muslims abroad. (31:6)
  8. Advices of Luqmān (31:12) – Tawḥīd, care of parents, acknowledging Allāh ’s power, prayer, moderation in posture and voice….
  9. Tahajjud linked to high stages of Paradise. (32:16)

NIGHT 21 (Juz 22)

  1. Marriage of Zayd bin Ḥārithah and Zaynab bint Jaḥsh (may Allāh be pleased with both). No formal adoption in Islām Zayd only Companion mentioned by name in Qurʾān (33:37)
  2. Do not impose on the time of a host, leave suitably early. Allāh does not feel shy over the truth. Some people create false shyness e.g. explaining laws related to puberty with their children. (33:53)
  3. Salutation upon Muḥammad صلى الله عليه و سلم a simple act with much reward and builds relationship with him. (33:56), an act which Allāh and angels engage in (33:56). Amongst the lightest rights upon us. Many benefits, closeness to him on the Day of Resurrection.
  4. Dāwūd ʿalayhis salām earned a living by making armour. (34:10) Physical work is honourable. There are more blessings in the little earned by your own hand than receiving large handouts.
  5. Sulaymān ʿalayhis salām given control over Jinn (34:12). Jinn spread magic amongst man, apparently Masons have lineage from this. Unhealthy to obsess about Jinn and dangerous to seek their company.
  6. “No soul bears the burden of another” (35:18). We are all responsible for our own deeds. Cannot blame family, parents, society, friends. “There is no obedience to the creation in disobedience to the Creator.
  7. Ancient Yemen prosperity lost due to ingratitude. (34:19)
  8. Upper and lower classes to exchange blame in Hereafter. Significantly the lower classes mention the conspiracy of the upper classes. Despite several mentions in the Qurʾān there are those who deny conspiracy. (34:33)
  9. With true knowledge comes true fear and awareness of Allāh. (35:28)
  10. Do not seek justice from Allāh, seek mercy. If we were apprehended for our crimes only animals would remain on earth. (35:45)

NIGHT 22 (Juz 23)

  1. Ḥabīb, the carpenter saw Paradise before his soul left. (36:26)
  2. Those who say only Prophets preached before Islām not correct.
  3. Perfect system of plants, cosmic system, day and night signs of the Creator. (36:33)
  4. Our origin is a drop of sperm, how can we be arrogant. (36:77)
  5. All humanity descendants of Nūḥ (Noah, peace be upon him). Fanciful theories of descendants of Cain = Gog and Magog have no shred of reality. (36:77)
  6. “Do not worship Satan” (36:61) includes worship of false gods, disobedience of Allāh. Overt Satanism is also coming to the fore. Various channels e.g. music. Beware these idols. Make the pious your heroes.
  7. Unbelievers cannot accept resurrection from “earth and bones” (37:16) Yet argue today that life evolved accidentally from non-life. Rejection of divine truth always leads to contradiction.
  8. Admirable qualities of both father Ibrāhīm (Abraham, peace be upon him) and son Ismāʿīl (peace be upon him) demonstrated in stories of the youth. (37:82-108)
  9. Ibrāhīm asked for a son, and when granted, commanded to sacrifice him (37:100) selflessness of young man. Allāh accepts intention even when the deed is not fulfilled for valid reason.
  10. Remembrance of Allāh attracts His mercy – Yūnus (Jonah, peace be upon him). (37:143)
  11. Sulaymān sacrificed his horses when they distracted him from Ṣalāh. (38:33). Ṣalāh is the embodiment of our relationship with Allāh . We focus in Ṣalāh proportion to our life focus. Distractions must be removed, even permissible distractions.
  12. Idols are intercessors to Allāh ? However logical and sincere an argument might seem, it is irrelevant when contradicting the command of Allāh. (39:3)

NIGHT 23 (Juz 24)

  1. “O My slaves who have transgressed against themselves, do not despair of Allāh ’s mercy.” (39:53) Sin harms us, not Allāh . Doors of repentance always open. Verse which gives hope. The honour of being addressed as Allāh ’s slave.
  2. Everything will be terminated at the sounding of the Trumpet (39:68) Prelude to allocation to Hell or Paradise. (39:71-3) What worth is sinning for this world?
  3. The two groups of the Hereafter. Work towards being in the group of Paradise, not Hell. (39:71)
  4. so be not deceived by their movement throughout the land.(40:4) (wealth, luxury, beauty – Ibn Kathīr), (transacting and travels – Tabarī) i.e. material control.
  5. The ultimate manifestation that Allāh is the Ever-Living King of kings, when He calls out, “To whom does sovereignty belong to today?” and there is none to reply. (40:16)
  6. The secret believer amongst Pharaoh’s people (40:28). Yet he tried speaking the truth. People who take the lead in virtue have higher rank than latter ones. Alī, “Abū Bakr was a thousand times better than the secret believer.”
  7. The Egyptian believer who spoke the truth in Pharaoh’s court. “The most virtuous Jihād is to speak a word of truth to a tyrant ruler.” – Ḥadīth. (40:28)
  8. Tafwīḍ – handing one’s affairs to Allāh ’s will, does not negate using whatever means one can whilst focusing on Allāh and accepting whatever result He decrees. Peace of heart in Tafwīḍ. (40:44) Call unto Me I shall reply unto you, importance of Duʿāʾ. (40:60)
  9. ʾĀd boasted, “Who is more powerful than us?” same as contemporary powers. (41:15) Allāh ’s reply is equally applicable to today’s powers, “Did they not see that He who created them is more powerful than them?”

NIGHT 24 (Juz 25)

  1. Some of the pious have been drawn to Allāh simply because He loves them, others are required to exert and thus gain His guidance. (42:13)
  2. Allāh dispenses sustenance as He wills, all cannot be rich. (42:19)
  3. Allāh limits our wealth and sends it in portions at a time to prevent us from transgression (42:27) Excessive wealth leads to sin if not channelled correctly. Budgeting is not contrary to Sunnah. Excessive grants to children and spouse can be harmful.
  4. Traits of the pious – they rely on Allāh , avoid major sin and lewdness, forgive those who anger them…. Consult (42:36) Consultations binds families, friends, organisations, the Ummah. Consultation is not the same as democracy. People with inferiority complexes wish cast western veneer over commands of Allāh . Do you worship Allāh or the west?
  5. Travel dua (43:13). Ponder how words of various dua are applicable in places and times not only 7th century Arabia e.g. very same dua can be recited for a spaceship. Every dua is a reminder of journey to Allāh . Learn the meanings. All Duʿāʾ bear a common theme of drawing attention to the Hereafter and Allāh , thus travel Duʿāʾ, “…and indeed we are moving towards our Lord.” (43:14) Consider how Duʿāʾ is so worded it is equally applicable to travelling on donkey or spacecraft. Had these not been divine they would have applied to 7th Arabia and been redundant today. (43:13)
  6. Neither the heaven (gate where our good deeds enter) nor the earth (which testifies when to the good we did on it) weep for Pharaoh. They weep for the pious believer though. (44:29)
  7. Tubbaʿ title of Yemeni kings. (44:37) Tale of the ancient Tubbaʿ who conveyed his greeting to Rasūlullāh ṣallallāhu ʿalayhi wa sallam when Madīnah was built.

NIGHT 25 (Juz 26)

  1. “I do not know what will happen to me or to you” (46:9-10) As much as we love Rasūlullāh صلى الله عليه و سلم we do not ascribe divine attributes to any human, e.g. knowledge of the unseen future. “…I do not know what will be done to me or to you…” Clearly Muḥammad صلى الله عليه و سلم did not know the future and the unseen except that which was revealed to him. Unlike some religions which deified their prophets, we draw a line between love, respect and obedience to Muḥammad صلى الله عليه و سلم without associating divine attributes to him.
  2. The nation of ʿĀd saw the cloud as bringing much needed rain. (46:24) whereas it brought a punishing wind. Benefit and harm are what Allāh says. Pig is not forbidden because of scientific harms and there are contrary studies as well.
  3. Some people who heard Muḥammad صلى الله عليه و سلم mocked him whilst others increased in faith. Same circumstances, different result, guidance is from Allāh . (47:3)
  4. “Indeed We have granted you a clear victory” (48:1) Ḥudaybiyah was seen as setback but Allāh knew it to be victory. More people entered Islām in next 2 years than previous 19. Makkah conquered. Allāh sees further than us.
  5. Verify before disseminating information (49:6) social media. “It is sufficient lie that a man speaks everything that he hears.”
  6. “Reconcile between your brethren” directed at third parties. The two conflicting parties should not be abandoned to stew in their dispute. (49:9)

NIGHT 26 (Juz 27)

  1. “I have not created Man and Jinn except to worship Me.” (51:56)
  2. Worship is for our benefit. Allāh is not in need of us. (51:57)
  3. Suspicion does not equate to fact and destroys society. Same as rumours (emails) spread without checking source (53:28)
  4. Thamūd debated Ṣāliḥ on worldly matters (54:27). Dispute on worldly resource. Camel drink and that he had given up his high status in society to be religious. Lust for wealth and status can destroy faith.
  5. Allāh mentions the gift of speech immediately after the creation of man (55:4). Bounty which distinguishes us from animals. Language is a sign of there being a Creator. Our guidance is via speech of Allāh and His Messenger ﷺ. Materialism is via imagery e.g. TV.
  6. Worldly classes and races to terminate, but the three classes of Hereafter are forever. Work to enter the real Upper Class. (56:7)
  7. Generally fruit is mentioned before meat in the Qurʾān. Early Arabs used to implement this subtlety, although not a command. Today dieticians say the same. (56:32)
  8. “And We shall make them (young) virgins (again)” (56:36) Humour of Rasūlullāh ﷺ that no old lady will enter Paradise, because they would be young. He joked and teased without lies, vulgarity or disrespect of religion.
  9. Earlier Companions superior to latter, but all are lofty. Strive to assist good when it is most fragile and in need. (57:10)

NIGHT 27 (Juz 28)

  1. ʿĀishah (may Allāh be pleased with her) could not hear the woman complaining to Muḥammad صلى الله عليه و سلم when she was just there but Allāh heard. He is All-Hearing. Also when in need, others might intentionally not hear us, but He does (58:1)
  2. Consideration when sitting in a gathering. Even someone whom you sit next to in the bus is your neighbour (companion of the side) with rights accountable at Resurrection, even if not Muslim. (58:11)
  3. A temporary law, compulsory charity before entering the gathering of Muḥammad صلى الله عليه و سلم. This was due to the difficulties the hypocrites caused, and make them pause before coming. ʿAlī (may Allāh be pleased with him) was the only person who managed to act on this before it was revoked. Today Muslims take Islāmic scholars, literature etc cheaply because they get these free, but value secular speakers and media and pay hefty fees. (58:12)
  4. The Anṣār were not generous with excess, but preferred others despite their own need (59:9)
  5. The command to pray for the Ṣaḥābah is stated as fact, not command. (59:10) It should be obvious that Muslims love and pray for them
  6. The Jews of Qurayzhah betrayed the Muslims and would only fight behind their fortifications due to cowardice. Compare the heavy armaments, and fortifications against Ghazzah. (59:14) Spend in good while living, you will never return. Reward for bequests much lower. (59:18)
  7. “To Allāh belongs the Most Beautiful Names” (59:24) “Supplicate via them” “Whoever memorizes them will enter Paradise” Imbue those attributes in your character as is humanly possible, e.g. mercy
  8. Be fair and kind to non-Muslims who are not at war with us (60:8) especially if relatives. On other hand, avoid such intimacy which leads to sin.
  9. Incident of Ṣaḥābah leaving Jumuʿah sermon (63:9). Shiah will quote half facts and no context. Sermon used to be after prayer and they thought it was optional. Many suffered severe hunger and legitimately wished to buy food. Even errors of Ṣaḥābah are beneficial to Ummah.

NIGHT 28 (Juz 29)

  1. Strive for purity of intention and correct performance. “to test you which of you are best in deeds.” Not most in deeds. Of course quantity assists to practice with quality. (67:2)
  2. He who recites salutations on Muḥammad صلى الله عليه و سلم is blessed 10 fold. He who abused him is cursed in al-Qalam 10 fold. (68:10)
  3. Depriving the poor leads to loss in blessings (68:24)
  4. The stingy people of the garden blamed each other. Typical human trait instead of owning up to responsibility. (68:30)
  5. All friends and family will abandon us at Resurrection. Why sin for their sake? (70:11)
  6. We shall see the Face of Allāh (75:23) which surpasses every bounty of Paradise. Allāh make us amongst those people and help us strive to that ultimate goal.
  7. “We do not want your compensation or even gratitude.” Sincerity, good to people even when we are not appreciated, because it should be for Allāh , not people. (76:9)
  8. Ranks in Paradise manifested in manner drink is served. Some will have vessels floated to them. Then those who will have servants bring them. Then those who will have Allāh present it to them. (76:15)

NIGHT 29 (Juz 30)

  1. He who controls his ego will have Paradise as his abode. (79:40)
  2. “He frowned” at the blind man who interrupted when he was busy. Sometimes we have to tolerate naïve but sincere people who do not realise the bigger picture. (80:1)
  3. “What has deceived you in regards your Noble Lord?” ʿUmar (may Allāh be pleased with him) used to weep and reply, “Your forbearance, O my Lord!” (82:6)
  4. Woe unto those who demand full measure but short-change others. (83:1-2)
  5. Rust accumulates and blackens the heart when we sin. (83:14) The unbelievers pass by us and mock us, whether attire, prayers or just for being Muslim. They will be mocked in the Hereafter. (83:29) ʿAbdullāh bin Thammār, the Yemeni boy who sacrificed his life for truth. (85:10)
  6. The most virtuous – ʿAbū Bakr (may Allāh be pleased with him). (92:17)
  7. A full understanding of Sūrah al-ʿAṣr is sufficient for one’s guidance according to ʾal-ʾImām ʾash-Shāfiʿī. S103
  8. ʾan-Naṣr – actually the funeral announcement of Muḥammad صلى الله عليه و سلم, “When one of you is afflicted with calamity, let him remember the calamity of (losing) me, for indeed that is the greatest calamity that could afflict a (true) believer.” S110

سليمان الكندي
Twitter: @sulayman_kindi


  1. Salam Moulana
    I had a quick query. I understand Islam allows marriage to a girl before she reaches puberty and all. However I have seen some claim it is no longer valid or permissible today due to society disapproving or frowning upon and laws raising age of adulthood to 18 for example.
    According to Islam/Shafee school is this correct or is it still valid?

    • wa alaykum salaam

      The major distinction of the Shafi’i school is that certain regulations are suspended until FULL consummation (e.g. issues of returning full or half dowry and maintenance, in the event of divorce), while others do not stipulate full consummation. This is of course only feasible with a baalighah.

      What the west or westernised Muslims frown upon does not affect what Allah allows or prohibits.

      was salaam

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